Friday 8 November 2013

Tips on How to Get Motivated: Willis Michalchuk

Willis Michalchuk has worked in the health and fitness industry as a personal trainer for over 20 years. With his exceptional knowledge and experience, it is no wonder that his clients consider him a distinguished motivator. Willis Michalchuk suffered from childhood obesity and was able to overcome the problem through hard work and motivation. Willis Michalchuk effectively motivates his clients because he is able to empathize and relate to their situations. Willis Michalchuk has a genuine concern for the well being of his clients, which has led him to a successful career as a personal trainer. Willis Michalchuk provides tips on how to get motivated to reach your goals. 

Willis Michalchuk

·         Make one goal. Willis Michalchuk notes that a common problem he sees is that people overcommit. It is important to establish one goal you want to achieve and strive to reach it. Over and over again, Willis Michalchuk sees people set too many goals that are unobtainable. Willis Michalchuk believes it is important to make your goal realistic, obtainable, and something to which you can dedicate your focus completely. 

·         Find inspiration. Look for stories about other people who have achieved the goal you wish to achieve. Pick up books, blogs, or magazines related to your goal and gain inspiration. Willis Michalchuk states that you will uncover amazing stories about people just like you. 

·         Commit publicly. If you want to really commit, Willis Michalchuk suggests posting your goal on a public forum. No one likes to look bad in front of others and this will be a way to hold yourself accountable to your goal. 

Get support. Willis Michalchuk notes that it is extremely difficult to achieve any goal alone, so look for support. Whether it be from your family or an online support group, make sure that you have people to talk to about your progress, setbacks, etc.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Willis Michalchuk: How Stress Management Relates to Your Health

Willis Michalchuk has worked in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years. With his vast amount of experience and knowledge, he knows how to appropriately guide others toward good health. Although everyone focuses on diet and exercise as the only variables in a healthy lifestyle, Willis Michalchuk notes that there is much more to it. Today, we live in a fast-paced and extremely competitive society, which can often induce immense stress. Willis Michalchuk notes that it is extremely important to manage stress if you want to live a healthy life. Stress is the origin for many illnesses that affect our society. Willis Michalchuk hopes to provide insight on how to manage time and ultimately reduce stress.

  • Make a schedule. Making a schedule is crucial for appropriately managing time. Willis Michalchuk notes that a schedule should include work, exercise, leisure, and even sleep. Getting enough rest is key to living a healthy life, thus, individuals should make sure they budget enough time to get a good night’s rest. Willis Michalchuk warns to not make your schedule too rigid because disruptions are guaranteed to occur. Make sure you account time for distractions and other interferences.
  • Take time for yourself. It is important that you spend quiet time each day by yourself. Willis Michalchuk notes that during this time you can reflect, relax, and meditate. Breaks are crucial for clearing your mind and refreshing your focus for the day.
  • Identify your stressors. Willis Michalchuk notes to first indicate things that cause you to be stressed. Keep a journal and write down your feelings throughout the day, this will help you pinpoint the root of the problem. Once you have established what is causing stress in your life, Willis Michalchuk states to try and avoid, alter, adapt, or accept the stressor. There is not always a definitive solution to stress; however, you can choose one of these options accordingly.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Willis Michalchuk: Training for a Marathon

Many people would never dream of running a marathon because it seems like something only the world’s best athletes can endure. However, Willis Michalchuk hopes to inspire others with his story and make people realize that anything is possible. Willis Michalchuk has been working in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years as a personal trainer. At the age of 27, Willis Michalchuk decided to start training for his first marathon. With his successful fitness background it might seem like Willis Michalchuk was destined to run a marathon eventually; however, this was not the case. Willis Michalchuk struggled with childhood obesity and never excelled at athletics throughout his childhood. Willis Michalchuk hoped that running a marathon would prove to everyone that they could do anything if they set their mind to it. 

Willis Michalchuk states that the most important part of marathon training is to pick a schedule and stick to it. There are various training schedules online to choose from and you can select to run from three to six days a week, depending on your past running experience.  These schedules will help you stay on track and appropriately build up your mileage. Willis Michalchuk said that the most crucial run of the week is the dreaded “long run.” Marathoners generally choose Saturday or Sunday to embark on their long run, which will peak at twenty to twenty-two miles. At the beginning of training, the first long run is around five to eight miles, building slowly over the course of training.

Willis Michalchuk also expresses the importance of diet throughout this process. It is important to increase your carbohydrate intake so your body has enough fuel for each run. The night before each long run, runners should engage in “carb loading.” Willis Michalchuk notes that carb loading will help increase your glycogen stores, which ultimately serves as your fuel during the run.

Monday 28 October 2013

Good Diet Tips: Willis Michalchuk

Willis Michalchuk is aware that fad diets are sweeping the nation and giving individuals false promises about their weight loss goals. Working in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years, Willis Michalchuk possesses the knowledge and experience to guide others on their weight loss journey. Willis Michalchuk warns against falling for the untruthful fad diets. Although you may see quick results, they will not be long term. Here are some diet tips that will help maintain long-term results:

  • Keep a food journal. Willis Michalchuk suggests keeping a food journal to help monitor your diet. A food journal will make sure you are not over or under eating. It will also help ensure you are getting the appropriate balance of nutrients everyday. Willis Michalchuk also states that if weight loss is your goal you should also monitor your weight in your journal. It will create positive morale to see your results on paper.
  • Make slow changes over time. Willis Michalchuk states that attempting to change your diet overnight will lead to failure. It is unrealistic to think that you can do a 180 with your eating habits in a day. Instead, Willis Michalchuk suggests making slow changes in your diet over time. As you start to add more changes, they will eventually transform your diet without you even noticing. Willis Michalchuk believes this step will help guide you toward long-term success.
  • Focus on moderation. Willis Michalchuk suggests that rather than thinking of certain foods as off limits, to instead focus on moderation. It is natural to crave certain unhealthy foods, so when you are starting your diet, simply eat less. Over time, your cravings will significantly decrease or diminish entirely.
  • Listen to your body. If you think you feel hungry, Willis Michalchuk notes to try drinking water first. Sometimes we think we need more food but we are simply dehydrated.

Saturday 26 October 2013

How to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals: Willis Michalchuk

Willis Michalchuk is a personal trainer who has worked in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years. At a young age, Willis Michalchuk struggled with childhood obesity; however, he was able to overcome the challenge with hard work and persistence. Willis Michalchuk acknowledges that meeting your weight loss goals is a long process and it can be discouraging, but he wants everyone to know that success is always possible. Willis Michalchuk offers some tips on how to successfully reach your goal weight and maintain it for good.

  • Write down your goals. Whatever your goal is, whether it is to get more active or lose ten pounds, write it down! Willis Michalchuk believes that writing goals down will hold you more accountable to them. You can also track your progress, which will help build morale during your weight loss journey. Willis Michalchuk believes that the most important part of this step is acknowledging what you really want to achieve.
  • Establish your problem areas. Willis Michalchuk notes that sometimes you have to admit you have a problem. Maybe you do not exercise enough or you binge eat late at night—either way, these problems need to be recognized. Willis Michalchuk states that although it may be difficult to accept, it is a key step in the process of getting better. 
  • Focus on nutrition. Willis Michalchuk notes that although exercise is key to maintaining a healthy weight, nutrition plays a substantial role in weight loss. You should be eating a balanced diet to help maintain your energy throughout the day. Additionally, Willis Michalchuk suggests having healthy snacks available at all times to help curve hunger. Willis Michalchuk believes that one of the best ways to monitor your food intake is through a journal. With the rise in technology, you can now download a food journal application on your phone that will tell you what you are lacking or overdoing in your diet.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Fad Diets Don’t Work: Willis Michalchuk

Willis Michalchuk has worked in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years. With his vast experience, he has seen various fad diets come and pass. Willis Michalchuk struggled with childhood obesity and is aware of the temptation that these diets possess. These diets hold false promises that many individuals fall for; however, Willis Michalchuk warns that they are not your answer. Although you might see some results initially, it is not the healthy option for long-term success. The only way to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight is to eat a balanced diet and partake in regular exercise.

Willis Michalchuk states that he sees many people eliminating all carbs out of their diet or only eating fat-free foods. He warns that you should never do this. Willis Michalchuk asserts that we need carbohydrates for energy; however, we can pick good carbohydrates. For example, instead of reaching for white bread that is made with bleached grains, you should instead pick a whole-wheat option. Furthermore, several diets like Weight Watchers focus solely on counting calories, but Willis Michalchuk states that we need to find balance in our diet. Willis Michalchuk warns to not be scared of fats; we need good fats to survive. Good fats include olive oil, avocado, nuts, etc.

Willis Michalchuk notes that consistently going on fad diets ruins your metabolism. It is important to find a balance and to stay consistent. Willis Michalchuk suggests keeping a food journal and tracking your progress. Although it may seem like a long journey to meet your weight loss goals, it will happen if you stay on track and motivated. An appropriate diet mixed with regular physical activity will help maintain weight loss. Fad diets may exhibit fast results but, in the long run, they will ruin your metabolism and possibly lead to further weight gain.